Friday, July 11, 2014

Featured Artwork?

I think I might add a weekly featured piece of artwork, once I get at least two pieces of artwork from at least two different people. I won't choose on how good it looks- but by how much effort and creativity was put into it. :)


  1. Aww poo. I can't email my art to you. Don't have an email. Oh, I know! On my blog, there is a page that says My Artwork or something like that. Could you feature my red penguin drawing?

    1. Oops, I didn't add a signature to that drawing (I don't like doing it cuz it makes the drawing look bad. But I do sometimes sign my name really small in the corner.) Ummmmm. Should I just sign wolfpaws4330 on the paper and then take another picture of it?
      ~you know who it is

    2. Okay, I'll post it. And feature it. Since no one else is really sending anything in. XD

    3. I'll add your signature to it for you on the computer.


Hey Jammers! If you don't like someone's artwork, be polite about it! Keep rude opinions to yourself. :)